Protein dibutuhkan tubuh untuk membentuk otot, memperbaiki jaringan
yang rusak dan mempertahankan sistem kekebalan tubuh. Nutrisi satu ini
banyak dijumpai pada makanan hewani, seprti unggas, ikan dan sapi. Tapi
bagaimana dengan para veganisme atau orang yang sedang mejalani program
Dalam dunia veganisme, ada empat jenis nabati penghasil protein baik yang tak kalah dari hewani, diantaranya:
Pseudograins adalah suber nabati yang berasal dari biji-bijian. Bahan
pangan ini bebas gluten dan kaya protein. Contohnya yaitu millet dan
Info nutrisi: Satu cangkir pseudograins yang telah dimasak memiliki kandungan 10 gram protein rata-rata di dalamnya.
TVP adalah singkatan dari texturized vegetable protein. Bahan ini
merupakan pengganti bahan daging yang terbuat dari bahan tepung kedelai.
Produk ini biasanya dijual dalam bentuk bubuk kuring atau potongan,
dan bila diarutkan dalam air akan berubah menjadi padat dan bertekstur.
Info nutrisi: Dalam satu cangkir TVP menawarkan 14 gram protein.
Terbuat dari kedelai yang difermentasi. Bertekstur kasar dan berserat,
berbeda dengan tahu yang sama-sama terbuat dari bahan kedelai. Tahu
cenderung bertekstur lembut dan empuk.
Info nutrisi: Empat ons tempe yang dikonsumsi sebanding dengan 24 gram protein.
Seitan terbuat dari gluten, yang biasa terdapat pada gandum. Seitan
memiliki tekstur yang kenyal dan padat, sehingga sering digunakan
sebagai daging tiruan.
Info nutrisi: Satu porsi seitan memiliki kandungan 18 gram protein.
Sumber:, VIVAnews
Friday, October 5, 2012
Cara Melindungi Diri yang Paling Optimal dari Risiko Terkena Penyakit
Gaya hidup sehat identik dengan berolahraga rutin. Tapi apakah cukup
menjaga kesehatan hanya dengan berolahraga? Terkadang orang lupa bahwa
kesehatan tubuh tergantung dari apa yang mereka konsumsi setiap harinya.
Kesibukan sehari-hari membuat sebagian orang lebih memilih memakan makanan siap saji dengan melalaikan buah dan sayur-sayuran. Penggemar makanan Indonesia pun tak luput dari 'bahaya', apalagi banyak aneka jenis masakan di Indonesia yang menggunakan bahan santan, jeroan, dan goreng-gorengan yang notabene merupakan sumber kolesterol.
Sebagian masyarakat kita saat ini sudah menyadari petingnya berolahraga untuk menjaga kesehatan, namun sayangnya kesadaran tersebut tidak diimbangi dengan kesadaran akan aspek kesehatan lainnya. Pola makan tidak teratur, tidur terlalu larut, stres di tempat kerja yang seringkali terbawa hingga ke rumah, termasuk perlindungan kesehatan tambahan dengan berasuransi.
Semua orang setuju bahwa kesehatan itu tak ternilai harganya. Ketika kita jatuh sakit, seringkali kita baru merasakan dan menyadari betapa mahalnya biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk pengobatan penyakit yang diderita. Hasil kerja keras kita selama ini dalam mengumpulkan uang terasa sia-sia hanya untuk membayar biaya rumah sakit. Tak jarang kita menyesalinya, apalagi bagi yang sudah berkeluarga.
Meski sudah menyisihkan dana dari penghasilan untuk pos kesehatan, sebenarnya ada cara yang lebih mudah yakni membeli asuransi kesehatan. Kita sering meremehkan manfaat asuransi kesehatan dan segan untuk diproteksi. Sebagian orang bahkan beranggapan bahwa dirinya merasa masih muda dan sehat sehingga tidak membutuhkan asuransi, padahal pentingnya berasuransi adalah untuk memberikan perlindungan saat kita terkena risiko kesehatan yang tak terduga dan dapat terjadi kapan saja.
Dengan banyaknya produk asuransi yang beredar sekarang ini, wajar bila seseorang bingung dalam memilih asuransi. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan sering muncul di benak kita saat akan membeli produk asuransi. “Apakah saya perlu diasuransi?” “Kalau saya mengambil asuransi ini, apakah uang yang saya keluarkan untuk premi setiap bulan sebanding dengan manfaat asuransinya?”
Semua jawaban itu dapat Anda temukan di AXA. Dengan berbagai variasi produk asuransi kesehatan, Anda bisa menemukan produk asuransi kesehatan yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Tidak hanya diri sendiri, Anda juga dapat melindungi anggota keluarga tercinta.
Bila terjadi sesuatu di luar dugaan, Anda tidak perlu khawatir lagi. Proteksi biaya rawat inap, operasi maupun penanganan penyakit kritis, tersedia di AXA. Banyaknya pilihan plan proteksi kesehatan yang dimiliki AXA memungkinkan Anda menentukan paket asuransi yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda dan keluarga.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai berbagai produk asuransi kesehatan AXA, silakan kunjungi situs
Kesibukan sehari-hari membuat sebagian orang lebih memilih memakan makanan siap saji dengan melalaikan buah dan sayur-sayuran. Penggemar makanan Indonesia pun tak luput dari 'bahaya', apalagi banyak aneka jenis masakan di Indonesia yang menggunakan bahan santan, jeroan, dan goreng-gorengan yang notabene merupakan sumber kolesterol.
Sebagian masyarakat kita saat ini sudah menyadari petingnya berolahraga untuk menjaga kesehatan, namun sayangnya kesadaran tersebut tidak diimbangi dengan kesadaran akan aspek kesehatan lainnya. Pola makan tidak teratur, tidur terlalu larut, stres di tempat kerja yang seringkali terbawa hingga ke rumah, termasuk perlindungan kesehatan tambahan dengan berasuransi.
Semua orang setuju bahwa kesehatan itu tak ternilai harganya. Ketika kita jatuh sakit, seringkali kita baru merasakan dan menyadari betapa mahalnya biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk pengobatan penyakit yang diderita. Hasil kerja keras kita selama ini dalam mengumpulkan uang terasa sia-sia hanya untuk membayar biaya rumah sakit. Tak jarang kita menyesalinya, apalagi bagi yang sudah berkeluarga.
Meski sudah menyisihkan dana dari penghasilan untuk pos kesehatan, sebenarnya ada cara yang lebih mudah yakni membeli asuransi kesehatan. Kita sering meremehkan manfaat asuransi kesehatan dan segan untuk diproteksi. Sebagian orang bahkan beranggapan bahwa dirinya merasa masih muda dan sehat sehingga tidak membutuhkan asuransi, padahal pentingnya berasuransi adalah untuk memberikan perlindungan saat kita terkena risiko kesehatan yang tak terduga dan dapat terjadi kapan saja.
Dengan banyaknya produk asuransi yang beredar sekarang ini, wajar bila seseorang bingung dalam memilih asuransi. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan sering muncul di benak kita saat akan membeli produk asuransi. “Apakah saya perlu diasuransi?” “Kalau saya mengambil asuransi ini, apakah uang yang saya keluarkan untuk premi setiap bulan sebanding dengan manfaat asuransinya?”
Semua jawaban itu dapat Anda temukan di AXA. Dengan berbagai variasi produk asuransi kesehatan, Anda bisa menemukan produk asuransi kesehatan yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Tidak hanya diri sendiri, Anda juga dapat melindungi anggota keluarga tercinta.
Bila terjadi sesuatu di luar dugaan, Anda tidak perlu khawatir lagi. Proteksi biaya rawat inap, operasi maupun penanganan penyakit kritis, tersedia di AXA. Banyaknya pilihan plan proteksi kesehatan yang dimiliki AXA memungkinkan Anda menentukan paket asuransi yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda dan keluarga.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai berbagai produk asuransi kesehatan AXA, silakan kunjungi situs
Buah Zakar yang Lepas Tak Bisa Dipasang Lagi Setelah 5 Menit
Lebih dari 5 menit, jaringan buah zakar alias testis akan mati dan tidak akan berfungsi kembali meski dipaksakan masuk ke dalam kantong zakar. Kalau berharap masih bisa dipakai lagi, maka laki-laki yang testisnya terlepas harus cepat-cepat dibawa ke rumah sakit untuk dijahit.
"Kami harus membersihkan luka, menjahit saluran kemih dan merawat kulit skrotum yang terluka agar bisa dipakai lagi untuk membungkus penis," kata Dr Duong Quang Vu dari Cho Ray Hospital di Ho Chi Minh City yang baru-baru ini menangani testis lepas, seperti dikutip dari Tuoitrenews, Senin (16/7/2012).
Kasus yang ditangani Dr Vu tersebut menimpa seorang laki-laki 25 tahun dengan inisial TPY. Pasien yang ketika itu mengendarai sepeda motor di jalan antar provinsi terlibat tabrakan dengan bus yang melintas, lalu mengalami cedera langka yang menyebabkan kedua testisnya lepas dari kantong zakar.
TPY masuk unit gawat darurat Cho Ray Hospital pada 8 Juli 2012, dengan luka parah pada organ reproduksi. Penis dan saluran kemihnya juga rusak, sedangkan testis yang lepas diamankan warga sekitar dengan dimasukkan kantong plastik dengan harapan bisa dipasang lagi di rumah sakit.
Sayangnya karena tidak mungkin sampai rumah sakit dalam waktu 5 menit, dokter juga tidak bisa memasang kembali buah zakar TPY. Dalam banyak kasus yang sering terjadi akibat kecelakaan industri, testis yang lepas memang tidak bisa dipasang lagi karena waktu yang dimiliki sangat sempit.
Setelah dirawat beberapa hari di rumah sakit, kondisi TPY dikabarkan makin membaik meski masih harus menjalani beberapa kali operasi. Namun pihak keluarga maupun rumah sakit belum memberitahu pasien kondisi organ reproduksinya yang rusak akibat kecelakaan tersebut.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Tahukah Anda? Buah Zakar yang Lepas Setelah 5 Menit Tidak Bisa Dipasang Lagi!
Kecelakaan yang begitu hebat sampai membuat laki-laki kehilangan buah zakar amat jarang terjadi. Hati-hati saja, sebab ketika buah ini lepas dari kantongnya dokter hanya punya waktu 5 menit untuk mengembalikannya ke tempat semula.
Lebih dari 5 menit, jaringan buah zakar alias testis akan mati dan tidak akan berfungsi kembali meski dipaksakan masuk ke dalam kantong zakar. Kalau berharap masih bisa dipakai lagi, maka laki-laki yang testisnya terlepas harus cepat-cepat dibawa ke rumah sakit untuk dijahit.
"Kami harus membersihkan luka, menjahit saluran kemih dan merawat kulit skrotum yang terluka agar bisa dipakai lagi untuk membungkus penis," kata Dr Duong Quang Vu dari Cho Ray Hospital di Ho Chi Minh City yang baru-baru ini menangani testis lepas, seperti dikutip dari Tuoitrenews.
Kasus yang ditangani Dr Vu tersebut menimpa seorang laki-laki 25 tahun dengan inisial TPY. Pasien yang ketika itu mengendarai sepeda motor di jalan antar provinsi terlibat tabrakan dengan bus yang melintas, lalu mengalami cedera langka yang menyebabkan kedua testisnya lepas dari kantong zakar.
TPY masuk unit gawat darurat Cho Ray Hospital pada 8 Juli 2012, dengan luka parah pada organ reproduksi. Penis dan saluran kemihnya juga rusak, sedangkan testis yang lepas diamankan warga sekitar dengan dimasukkan kantong plastik dengan harapan bisa dipasang lagi di rumah sakit.
Sayangnya karena tidak mungkin sampai rumah sakit dalam waktu 5 menit, dokter juga tidak bisa memasang kembali buah zakar TPY. Dalam banyak kasus yang sering terjadi akibat kecelakaan industri, testis yang lepas memang tidak bisa dipasang lagi karena waktu yang dimiliki sangat sempit.
Setelah dirawat beberapa hari di rumah sakit, kondisi TPY dikabarkan makin membaik meski masih harus menjalani beberapa kali operasi. Namun pihak keluarga maupun rumah sakit belum memberitahu pasien kondisi organ reproduksinya yang rusak akibat kecelakaan tersebut.
Mengapa Ejakulasi Kedua Lebih Lama Daripada Ejakulasi Pertama?
Kenapa pada saat melakukan hubungan seks untuk pertama kalinya, ejakulasi bisa terjadi dengan cepat sekali, kira-kira hanya bertahan kurang dari 2 menit.
Tetapi pada saat melakukannya lagi setelah istirahat 1 jam, saya dapat bertahan hingga 30 menit.
Apakah yang membedakan ejakulasi yang pertama dan kedua? Apakah kondisi yang dialami ini normal atau termasuk mengalamai ejakulasi dini?
Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi reaksi seksual ialah rangsangan seksual yang diterima. Ketika melakukan hubungan seksual pertama, boleh jadi Anda merasa sangat terangsang, mungkin karena sekian lama tidak melakukan hubungan seksual atau menerima rangsangan seksual dari pasangan Anda.
Karena itu Anda cepat mencapai orgasme, yang disertai ejakulasi. Tetapi setelah melewati fase istirahat, ketika rangsangan seksual Anda terima lagi, keadaan sudah berbeda. Pada saat hubungan seksual yang kedua, reaksi seksual Anda sudah berbeda dengan yang pertama.
Oleh karena itu orgasme terjadi lebih lambat, demikian juga ejakulasi Anda. Tetapi bukan berarti semua orang mengalami seperti itu. Pria yang mengalami ejakulasi dini, lebih serIng atau selalu tidak dapat mengontrol ejakulasinya.
Ingin Seks Prima? Hindari Makanan "Fast Food"
Masyarakat harus menghindari menyantap makanan cepat saji (fast food) jika menginginkan kesehatan terjaga secara prima, termasuk secara seksual, kata androlog Universitas Diponegoro Semarang Profesor Susilo Wibowo.
"Masyarakat Indonesia ini pola pikirnya justru berbalik dengan masyarakat negara modern. Di saat masyarakat barat mulai kembali menyantap makanan tradisional, masyarakat kita justru menggemari fast food," katanya di Semarang.
Menurut dia, masakan-masakan ala modern seperti "fast food" dan "junk food" yang mulai ditinggalkan oleh masyarakat Barat sebenarnya dapat memicu berbagai problem kesehatan antara lain kolesterol, jantung, diabetes, dan stroke. Akan tetapi, kata dia, pola makan masyarakat Indonesia saat ini justru menggemari menyantap sajian semacam itu.
"Dan alangkah ironis kebiasaan itu menurun pada anak-anaknya yang dibiasakan menyantap masakan cepat saji dan instan," katanya.
Susilo, yang juga mantan Rektor Undip itu menjelaskan, kebiasaan menyantap masakan cepat saji dapat menyebabkan kegemukan termasuk pada anak-anak. Kemudian dari kegemukan dapat memicu munculnya berbagai penyakit seperti kolesterol dan hipertensi.
"Berbagai penyakit itu akan memengaruhi pembuluh darah yang membuat aliran darah tidak lancar ke seluruh tubuh, termasuk ke alat fungsi seksual sehingga menyebabkan gangguan fungsi seksual seperti disfungsi ereksi," katanya.
Ia mengharapkan, masyarakat segera sadar dengan kebiasaan buruknya menyantap makanan cepat saji dan kembali ke makanan-makanan tradisional seperti bayam, kacang-kacangan, asparagus, beras, kedelai, dan ikan.
"Jangan ikut-ikutan gaya masyarakat barat yang gemar mengonsumsi ’fast food’. Mereka sendiri kini mulai sadar dengan dampak kesehatan banyak mengonsumsi ’fast food’ dan beralih ke makanan-makanan tradisional," katanya.
Susilo yang pernah menjabat Ketua Umum Perkumpulan Andrologi Indonesia (Pandi) itu mengaku heran dengan masyarakat Indonesia yang justru membiasakan anak-anaknya menyantap "fast food", padahal makanan itu tidak menyehatkan.
"Ya mungkin mereka belum sadar dampaknya bagi kesehatan, karena itu masyarakat harus disadarkan. Di saat masyarakat Barat mulai beralih ke makanan tradisi Timur, kita justru mengikuti kebiasaan masyarakat Barat," kata Susilo.
7 Manfaat Stres bagi Kesehatan
Stres banyak disebut-sebut berakibat buruk bagi kesehatan, mulai memicu penuaan dini, darah tinggi, stroke, hingga serangan jantung. Namun sayangnya, stres hampir tak bisa terhindarkan dari kehidupan sehari-hari. Karena memang tak bisa dihindari, maka sebaiknya stres dikelola dengan baik. Malahan, stres sebenarnya bermanfaat bagi kesehatan.
"Stres adalah hal yang sehat karena memberikan energi yang dibutuhkan untuk menjalani hidup. Tanpa itu, kita tidak akan memiliki energi yang dibutuhkan untuk mengambil tindakan," kata Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, direktur medis dari Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers and Chronicity di Amerika Serikat seperti dilansir :
Menurut dr Teitelbaum, stres menjadi tak sehat jika berlebihan, berlangsung selama jangka waktu yang lama dan tidak dilepaskan melalui aktivitas fisik atau reaksi emosional. Kelebihan stres ini akan menjadi racun bagi pikiran dan tubuh.
Terlepas dari efek buruk yang merugikan, beberapa manfat stres bagi kesehatan antara lain:
1. Membantu Mencegah Pilek dan Flu
Jika tertekan karena deadline yang mepet, tubuh akan bekerja lebih keras untuk menjaga kondisi tubuh tetap fit. Hal itu disebabkan karena stres sangat membantu memulihkan sistem kekebalan tubuh untuk melawan virus dan bakteri. Stres berfungsi mengatur kelenjar adrenal untuk menyeimbangkan sistem kekebalan tubuh.
"Situasi tertekan membantu pelepasan kortisol, zat anti-inflamasi yang berfungsi menanggapi stres fisik ataupun emosi sehingga tubuh dapat memanfaatkan cadangan energi dan melawan infeksi. Namun tingkat stres yang tinggi selama lebih dari beberapa jam dapat dapat melelahkan kelenjar adrenalin sehingga rentan terhadap sakit," kata Dr Teitelbaum.
2. Mempercepat Pemulihan Setelah Operasi
Menjalani operasi jelas dapat memicu stres. Tetapi stres jangka pendek akibat operasi dapat bermanfaat karena membantu tubuh untuk pulih lebih cepat.
Peneliti menguji hipotesis ini dengan cara mengumpulkan serangkaian sampel darah dari 57 orang pasien sebelum dan setelah menjalani operasi lutut. Hasilnya, sistem kekebalan tubuh pasien merespon stres dengan cara memobilisasi dan mendistribusikan ulang sejumlah besar sel pelawan patogen agar tubuh lebih cepat pulih.
3. Memperkuat Ikatan Emosional
"Stres jangka pendek terbukti meningkatkan kadar oksitosin atau hormon cinta. Oksitosin sebenarnya menghambat produksi hormon stres dan mengurangi tekanan darah dengan melebarkan arteri untuk membantu mempertahankan tubuh dari efek negatif kecemasan," kata Kathleen Hall, PhD, pendiri The Stress Institute and The Mindful Living Network.
4. Bisa Membuat Vaksin jadi Lebih Manjur
Peneliti mempelajari tikus yang stres karena akan diberi imunisasi. Ternyata tikus tersebut memiliki jumlah sel T pelawan patogen yang lebih banyak dan memiliki respon imun 9 bulan lebih lama dibanding kelompok tikus yang tidak stres.
5. Meningkatkan Daya Ingat
Dalam situasi stres, beberapa orang justru memiliki ingatan yang lebih tajam. Ini terjadi karena naiknya aliran hormon ke korteks prefrontal, wilayah otak yang penting untuk mengendalikan kognisi dan emosi sehingga meningkatkan kerja daya ingat.
Beberapa penelitian menghubungkan stres kronis dengan perkembangan plak otak yang memicu Alzheimer. Stres akut telah terbukti meningkatkan daya ingat. Dalam penelitian yang dimuat jurnal Molecular Psychiatry, tikus stres yang dipaksa berenang akan mencetak gol lebih baik pada tes daya ingat bila dibandingkan tikus yang lebih tenang.
6. Bisa Melawan Tumor
Stres kronis bisa membuat orang tetap terjaga pada malam hari, menekan sistem kekebalan tubuh dan menyebabkan penyakit. Namun stres dalam jangka waktu yang pendek bisa membantu melawan kanker kulit.
Menurut sebuah penelitian yang dimuat jurnal Brain Behavior and Immunity, ketika tikus yang terkena kanker disinari ultraviolet selama 10 minggu, tikus yang ditempatkan dalam situasi pemicu stres lebih sedikit mengidap tumor dibanding tikus yang tidak stres. Diduga, stres memicu ekspresi gen yang mengaktifkan sistem kekebalan tubuh dan membantu menekan pertumbuhan tumor.
7. Meningkatkan Daya Tahan Tubuh
Jika kehilangan pekerjaan atau mengalami masalah pernikahan, stres yang dialami bisa mengubah hidup dengan cara yang baik. Sekitar 2.400 orang ditanya mengenai pengalaman buruknya. Peneliti menemukan bahwa orang yang pernah menghadapi beberapa kali kemalangan memiliki kemampuan beradaptasi yang lebih bagus daripada yang tak punya masalah sama sekali.
"Menghadapi tantangan dapat menguatkan tubuh dan membuat orang lebih siap menghadapi tantangan berikutnya," kata Mark Seery, PhD, sang peneliti yang merupakan asisten profesor psikologi di University of Buffalo.
4 Minuman Penggempur Lemak Perut
Tak hanya merusak penampilan, lemak di perut juga paling berbahaya dibandingkan dengan lemak di bagian tubuh lainnya. Untuk itu, berbagai cara pun banyak dilakukan untuk menggempur lemak di perut yang bikin buncit.
Ada beberapa minuman yang dapat Anda minum tanpa rasa bersalah dan benar-benar dapat menurunkan berat badan, terutama mengurangi lemak di bagian perut.
Berikut 4 minuman yang dapat menggempur lemak di perut, seperti dilansir Foxnews:
1. Smoothie Semangka
Tanpa ditambah gula, smoothie semangka adalah cara bebas bersalah untuk melembabkan tubuh dan minuman segar yang rendah kalori. Tidak hanya sebagai hydrator alami karena kandungan airnya, semangka juga sarat dengan nutrisi, termasuk likopen yang melawan kanker, serta asam amino yang dikenal sebagai arginin.
Sebuah studi di Journal of Nutrition menemukan bahwa arginin dapat menurunkan lemak tubuh dan meningkatkan massa otot, sehingga menyiapkan pendongkrak metabolisme.
2. Es Teh Peppermint
Es teh peppermint (tanpa atau sedikit gula) bukan hanya penyegar yang super di musim panas, tapi juga penggempur lemak perut yang super efektif. Peppermint membantu proses lemak perut, memastikan bahkan makanan tinggi lemak seperti burger dan steak dicerna dengan cepat, yang membantu mencegah kembung.
3. Frappe Nanas
Frappe nanas dengan campuran minyak biji rami adalah perpaduan yang super. Minyak biji rami menambahkan asam lemak tak jenuh tunggal (MUFA), zat yang telah terbukti menghancurkan lemak. Sedangkan nanas sendiri mengandung bromelain, suatu enzim yang membantu memecah protein, memudahkan pencernaan dan mengusir kembung.
4. Teh Hijau
Selain mengurangi risiko kanker dan penyakit jantung, teh hijau bermanfaat bagi seluruh tubuh dan mengandung catechin, antioksidan yang menurut penelitian dapat membantu mengurangi lemak perut.
Jika Anda minum teh hijau sebelum latihan, senyawa ini juga bisa meningkatkan pembakaran lemak selama latihan aerobik.
3 Jenis yang Makanan Paling Sering Timbulkan Jerawat
Selain faktor kebersihan, stres dan hormon, makanan yang tidak sehat paling sering menjadi penyebab munculnya jerawat. Dari sekian banyak makanan penyebab jerawat, ada yang paling sering menjadi biang keladi. Apa saja?
Jerawat terbentuk ketika folikel di bawah kulit tersumbat. Kebanyakan jerawat terbentuk pada wajah, leher, punggung, dada dan bahu. Jerawat dapat muncul pada kulit siapa pun, tetapi paling sering muncul pada kulit remaja dan dewasa muda.
Berikut beberapa makanan yang paling sering menjadi pemicu munculnya jerawat, seperti dilansir Focusacne:
1. Makanan yang Digoreng
Jenis minyak yang Anda konsumsi setiap hari memiliki dampak besar pada kesehatan kulit. Jika mengonsumsi lemak minyak tidak sehat secara teratur, tubuh akan dipaksa untuk menggunakannya untuk membentuk sel kulit baru. Sel-sel kulit tidak akan berfungsi dengan baik. Akhirnya, jerawat dan penyakit kulit lainnya dapat terwujud.
Jenis makanan gorengan yang paling sering menyebabkan jerawat antara lain:
1. Kentang goreng
2. Donat
3. Ayam goreng
4. Makanan China cepat saji
5. Mozzarella Sticks
2. Makanan Tinggi Gula
Tahukah Anda bahwa gula adalah racun bagi tubuh dan secara langsung atau tidak langsung dapat menyebabkan jerawat. Gula dapat menekan sistem kekebalan tubuh dan berdampak pada penurunan pertahanan tubuh terhadap infeksi bakteri, yang merupakan salah satu penyebab jerawat.
Gula juga mmengganggu penyerapan kalsium dan magnesium, yang merupakan mineral penting untuk kulit yang optimal. Selain itu, gula menyebabkan hilangnya elastisitas jaringan dan fungsi.
Makanan tinggi gula penyebab jerawat adalah:
1. Permen
2. Soda
3. Es krim
4. Coklat
5. Biskuit
6. Sereal
3. Makanan Tinggi Karbohidrat
Karbohidrat yang paling penting adalah glukosa, gula sederhana (monosakarida) yang dimetabolisme oleh hampir semua organisme. Semua karbohidrat akhirnya diubah menjadi glukosa, yang kemudian diubah menjadi glikogen untuk penyimpanan dalam tubuh.
Yang penting untuk disadari adalah tubuh manusia membutuhkan hanya sejumlah tertentu dari glukosa agar berfungsi dengan baik. Ketika Anda makan karbohidrat lebih dari yang tubuh butuhkan, maka masalah kesehatan seperti diabetes dan jerawat dapat terwujud.
Berikut makanan tinggi karbohidrat yang bisa memicu jerawat bila dimakan berlebihan:
1. Beras putih
2. Pasta
3. Roti putih
Sumber :
5 Hal Aneh yang Bisa Bikin Wajah Berjerawat
Ada banyak hal yang bisa menyebabkan wajah berjerawat, seperti makanan tak sehat, higienitas, hormon bahkan genetik. Namun ada beberapa hal tak biasa yang juga bisa memicu jerawat. Apa saja?
Hormon dan bakteri ternyata bukan satu-satunya penyebab jerawat. Berikut beberapa faktor aneh yang bisa menyebabkan jerawat, seperti dilansir Boldsky :
1. Ponsel
Menelepon dalam waktu lama dapat menyebabkan kulit mengeluarkan minyak. Bila minyak tersebut bercampur bakteri yang sudah ada di layar ponsel, maka siap-siap saja wajah akan berjerawat. Biasakan untuk membersihkan ponsel dengan kertas tisu setelah percakapan dan sebelum menggunakannya kembali.
2. Travelling
Travelling adalah salah satu penyebab di balik masalah jerawat. Pernahkah Anda memperhatikan mengapa ada jerawat pada kulit setelah melakukan perjalanan jauh? Nah, hal ini bisa terjadi karena perubahan iklim, makanan air dan lain-lain. Jika Anda bepergian lewat jalur udara, maka lingkungan dengan kelembaban yang sangat rendah dapat menyebabkan sekresi minyak berlebih yang mengarah ke masalah jerawat.
3. Produk rambut
Produk rambut biasanya tebal dan berminyak. Bahan kimia ini bisa saja merusak kulit saat Anda sedang tidur. Partikel-partikel tersebut akhirnya memblokir pori-pori kulit dan menyebabkan jerawat. Bahkan pemotongan rambut yang salah juga bisa memicu jerawat, seperti poni.
4. Pasta gigi
Saat menyikat gigi, tak jarang pasta gigi menyebar hingga sekitar bibir dan wajah. Beberapa pasta gigi flouride adalah alasan jerawat pada orang dewasa. Bahkan natrium lauril sulfat dalam pasta gigi dapat menyebabkan iritasi kulit.
5. Menggosok wajah dengan tangan
Ini adalah salah satu hal yang umum dan hampir dilakukan setiap orang. Tangan dipenuhi dengan kotoran dan kuman. Setiap kali Anda mengusap tangan di wajah, kuman menempel pada pori-pori kulit, sehingga menjadi rumah yang nyaman bagi kuman dan memunculkan jerawat.
Protein Virus VPU yang Membuat Tubuh Tak Berdaya Melawan Infeksi HIV
HIV sampai saat ini masih menjadi infeksi yang menakutkan bagi masyarakat karena dapat memicu AIDS. Kini peneliti berhasil menemukan penyebab tubuh tidak bisa melawan infeksi HIV.
Para peneliti menemukan protein virus VPU yang diciptakan oleh HIV selama infeksi akan langsung mengganggu protein IRF3 sehingga meredam kemampuan sistem kekebalan untuk melindungi tubuh terhadap infeksi virus.
Hasil penelitian ini semakin memperkuat penemuan sebelumnya yang dilakukan oleh laboratorium Gale bahwa HIV bersifat antagonis terhadap sistem imun karena melemahkan fungsi dari protein IRF3.
"Dengan memahami bagaimana HIV menghambat sistem imun selama infeksi awal, maka kita bisa mengembangkan gambaran yang lebih jelas bagaimana virus bekerja sehingga menghindari bentuk infeksi jangka panjang," ujar Dr Brian Doehle, penulis artikel, seperti dikutip dari Indiavision.
Dalam studi baru ini ditemukan protein VPU secara khusus mengikat protein kekebalan tubuh IRF3 dan menargetkan untuk menghancurkan, sehingga mencegah protein tersebut berfungsi optimal dalam memberikan respons imun dalam sel yang terinfeksi.
Peneliti berharap dengan adanya pengetahuan baru ini bisa digunakan untuk merancang terapi HIV baru yang mana mencegah VPU agar tidak berinteraksi dengan protein IRF3 sehingga bisa membantu meningkatkan imunitas.
"Terapi antivirus yang saat ini sudah dikembangkan memang efektif mengobati infeksi HIV, tapi dari waktu ke waktu efektivitasnya makin menurun karena virus mampu melakukan adaptasi dan tetap menyebar walaupun dilakukan terapi," ujar Dr Michael Gale, Jr, profesor imunologi.
Untuk itu identifikasi target baru mutlak dibutuhkan dalam mendapatkan terapi pengobatan yang efektif pada pasien terinfeksi HIV, karenanya pengembangan terbaru terus dilakukan.
Infeksi HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) semakin lama akan mengurangi efektivitas dari sistem kekebalan tubuh sehingga membuat pasiennya rentan terhadap infeksi oportunitik seperti TB dan juga tumor.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Get Rid of Fat Without Dr
Many people complain of obesity in the central region of the body and the resort to get rid of fat in the abdomen and waist by following diets at random. But being sure that there is no diet or any kind of food or medicine only helps to lose weight in the abdominal area alone. When you lose weight healthily, you will be a loss for the loss of fat in all parts of the body and include the accumulated fat in the abdominal area.
The best way to lose weight and maintain weight on an ongoing basis is the system by following a healthy and balanced food rich in the health system with a dedicated athlete you will help in reducing the proportion of fat in the body and can be focused on the abdominal area.
For the followers of a healthy, balanced system are advised to consult dietician to provide you with a custom diet to you and depends on your height, your weight, your age and your health.
Here are some tips for healthy weight loss:
1. Asthlka adequate amount of fiber by eating whole grains like whole wheat bread, brown rice and legumes such as chickpeas and lentils .....
2. Eat at least 5 daily servings of vegetables and fruit
3. Choose milk, cheese, milk, low-fat or fat-free.
4. I use low-fat red meat and chicken without the skin do not add fat during cooking
5. Limit use of butter, cream cheese and high-fat sauces and also the many fat Reduce the intake of processed foods high in sugar, salt and fat.
In addition to a healthy diet, you are advised to exercise with sports sports coach will know all the movements appropriate to each person and each area of the body. Some of the movements useful:
1. Exercise I: after moderate exercise such as walking fast, jogging Orcop bike for 30 minutes, lay on the flat and move the legs Abdoa Tmarsa like you ride a bike. Trace the exercises in 3 batches each batch 20 times. This exercise helps tighten the muscles of the abdominal area. If you suffer from pain the lower back, you can put your hands under the buttocks to support the back.
2. Exercise Two: Use a ball for the sport better for the stomach to give a better balance and focus on the central interior region with less stress on the back. Lie on the ball and put the legs on the ground to formationis a situation perpendicular to the ground; Put your hands behind the ears, arch your back toward the ground and then Lift your body to the top toward the knees. Keep your head toward the ceiling and put your great pressure on your neck. Make sure the process of breathing during exercise: exhalation when ascending and inspiration when you get down. You can to get up to 3 batches, each consisting of 20 times and rest 30-40 seconds after each set
3. Third Exercise: Lie on your back on a flat surface and raise the legs to the top formationis situation with the ground vertically. Lift your hips slightly in the air and keep this position for 10-5 seconds and repeat this exercise on 5 batches each batch 15 times. This exercise helps in the treatment of the lower abdomen.
4. Exercise Four: Lie on a carpet the room and put your hands behind head and raise your upper body towards the knees for two seconds and then go back to the point of initiation and TCO ball 5 batches each batch 15 times. Finally, be aware that it is not difficult to lose weight at all if there is effort to exercise and follow a healthy diet and positive thinking you can access the targetMany people complain of obesity in the central region of the body and the resort to get rid of fat in the abdomen and waist by following diets at random. But being sure that there is no diet or any kind of food or medicine only helps to lose weight in the abdominal area alone. When you lose weight healthily, you will be a loss for the loss of fat in all parts of the body and include the accumulated fat in the abdominal area.
The best way to lose weight and maintain weight on an ongoing basis is the system by following a healthy and balanced food rich in the health system with a dedicated athlete you will help in reducing the proportion of fat in the body and can be focused on the abdominal area.
For the followers of a healthy, balanced system are advised to consult dietician to provide you with a custom diet to you and depends on your height, your weight, your age and your health.
Here are some tips for healthy weight loss:
1. Asthlka adequate amount of fiber by eating whole grains like whole wheat bread, brown rice and legumes such as chickpeas and lentils .....
2. Eat at least 5 daily servings of vegetables and fruit
3. Choose milk, cheese, milk, low-fat or fat-free.
4. I use low-fat red meat and chicken without the skin do not add fat during cooking
5. Limit use of butter, cream cheese and high-fat sauces and also the many fat Reduce the intake of processed foods high in sugar, salt and fat.
In addition to a healthy diet, you are advised to exercise with sports sports coach will know all the movements appropriate to each person and each area of the body. Some of the movements useful:
1. Exercise I: after moderate exercise such as walking fast, jogging Orcop bike for 30 minutes, lay on the flat and move the legs Abdoa Tmarsa like you ride a bike. Trace the exercises in 3 batches each batch 20 times. This exercise helps tighten the muscles of the abdominal area. If you suffer from pain the lower back, you can put your hands under the buttocks to support the back.
2. Exercise Two: Use a ball for the sport better for the stomach to give a better balance and focus on the central interior region with less stress on the back. Lie on the ball and put the legs on the ground to formationis a situation perpendicular to the ground; Put your hands behind the ears, arch your back toward the ground and then Lift your body to the top toward the knees. Keep your head toward the ceiling and put your great pressure on your neck. Make sure the process of breathing during exercise: exhalation when ascending and inspiration when you get down. You can to get up to 3 batches, each consisting of 20 times and rest 30-40 seconds after each set
3. Third Exercise: Lie on your back on a flat surface and raise the legs to the top formationis situation with the ground vertically. Lift your hips slightly in the air and keep this position for 10-5 seconds and repeat this exercise on 5 batches each batch 15 times. This exercise helps in the treatment of the lower abdomen.
4. Exercise Four: Lie on a carpet the room and put your hands behind head and raise your upper body towards the knees for two seconds and then go back to the point of initiation and TCO ball 5 batches each batch 15 times. Finally, be aware that it is not difficult to lose weight at all if there is effort to exercise and follow a healthy diet and positive thinking you can access the target.
Advantages of Online Pharmacy
It is not alarming that men and women are commonly suffering from fever, cough and cold and other diseases as a
result of climate change. Whether it is harmful or not they normally run to the drug store to find treatments. Health workers also always refer their patients to the nearest drugstore to buy their prescribed pills. In other words, drugstore is where health drugs are being dispensed and sold.
What is Pharmacy?
Pharmacy is a business where people can trust on whenever they need drugs to cure their diseases. Aside from health professionals, pharmacy is also in charge of assuring that the prescribed and pharmaceutical drugs are
reliable and safe to use. Internationally, mortar and pestle are identified as the image to represent the pharmacy profession.Owning a pharmacy is very vital because right and proper medication of drugs should always be
performed. That’s the reason why there should be registered pharmacist present in every drugstore. As what have
been said earlier, pharmacy usually sell medical drugs. That was before, just like the universe, pharmacies also evolved. Many pharmacies nowadays added additional items like office supplies, durable medical equipment, confections, snacks, cosmetics and many more. But of course, their priority is to sell drugs that cure and prevent health problems. Examples of these are medicines for diagnostics, neoplastic and allergic disorders, pain and
consciousness, cardio vascular system and etc.
The Right Prescription
There are medications that are restricted and regulated while some can be bought easily over the counter. Prescription from a medical professional is needed to buy restricted or regulated drugs. It’s a hassle if you’re in an emergency situation and yet you still have to go out and find drugstore to buy for your medication. And in a situation where you don’t have much time to roam around the place and wait for your turn to buy your medicines to sustain your everyday dose, what you need is something that will decrease your worries. Today, that is not a problem anymore because there are now online pharmacies that will serve you anytime you ask. About the year 2000, online pharmacies began to grow and established worldwide. It has been great help for people who are practicing time management and do not want to suffer the inconvenient of travelling and falling in line to a community drugstore.
Online pharmacies are very easy to reach because you’ll just search the web, send your request medication or choose drugs and add it to your online cart. Less hassle because all you have to do is to wait, run to your door when someone knocks because it might be the delivery service of the online pharmacy that you contacted. You do not have to leave your home, travel and fall in line to have your precious drug. Some online pharmacies now offer
free shipping. But even if they not, it’s a practical and wise choice to buy online. You just have to bear in mind that shipping will at least take 48 hours to deliver it in your doorsteps. A little time of waiting will be paid off by the discounts, time and energy that you’ve saved.
How Effective Online Drug Is?
Due to everyone’ hectic schedules, online pharmacies take the opportunity to serve people. If you’re someone who wants to buy drugs confidentially, online pharmacy is the best solution. It is also less costly than the community pharmacy because they do not spend money on staff, infrastructure, storage, etc. Safety to their consumers is also one of their main concerns. Trusting your medicines to them is not an issue. Instead of visiting a medical doctor which is very tiresome and tedious online pharmacy is the easiest and reliable choice.
To sum up, internet or online pharmacy takes a vital role in serving people. It can save time, energy and money to someone who want or need to buy medicine. Buying in a brick-and-mortar pharmacy can give hassle especially to disabled or elderly people. In online pharmacy, patients are allowing to search and purchase medications as long as they have internet access. By this, lots of time and worries standing in line can be washed out. Online pharmacies will not be popular if they are not safe. But still, licensed pharmacies are the best choice. Knowing a proper medication is a must have for everybody. Providing you products to prevent and free from disease are the main concern of
pharmacies. It will now be your choice to choose pharmacy that will serve not only better but the best. Being wise and practical is a key. What is being talked here is your health.
Mesothelioma Cancer Lung - What Is Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a form of cancer which affects the mesothelium. The mesothelium is a weak covering which covers the focal point, lungs and other inside organs. You normally comprehend this disease from being exposed to asbestos fibers next to a quantity of promontory in your life.
Types of mesothelioma
Pleural mesothelioma
Pleural mesothelioma is the for the most part public form is pleural mesothelioma which develops contained by the mesothelium. Pleural mesothelioma will develop in the pleural covering which is the lungs lining.
Breathing in asbestos fibers is the cause of pleural mesothelioma. Upon entering the lungs, the asbestos fibers will handiwork their way into the lungs pleural covering. Once in at hand, the body will discovery it almost unbearable to comprehend free of them. Over a time of several decades, the asbestos fibers will cause the pleural cells to revolution. These changes may well head to the lungs fitting scarred and, eventually, tumors forming.
Once the cells of the pleural covering try cancerous, they will continuously divide, leading to a reduction in lung size and causing fluid to buildup amid the layers of the pleural covering.
Because pleural mesothelioma is typically not wedged until the soon after stages of the disease, the prognosis representing the tolerant is normally poor. But, if the disease is wedged in the youthful stages, followed by the patient's prognosis as well as the life expectation will be much improved.
Peritoneal mesothelioma
Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma - this is a very rare form of cancer which strikes the peritoneum (the cell walls surrounding the abdominal cavity. The peritoneum lubricates the abdominal cavity which allows the surrounding inside organs and body structures to enlarge and contract. Peritoneal mesothelioma is very rare with fewer than 500 fill with contracting this form of cancer apiece day.
Several decades in the same way as asbestos fibers are breathed in or ingested; cancer will develop in the patient's front. Modern tests can detect whether or not a tolerant has peritoneal mesothelioma. Despite the piece of information to facilitate it is not typically diagnosed until it is in the soon after stages, at hand are still a quantity of management options.
Although a quantity of patients may well qualify representing surgery and other curative management options, other patients may well simply select palliative measures. Most patients with peritoneal mesothelioma live to tell the tale representing a reduced amount of than a day. However, with the proper management, life expectation can spread. A mesothelioma specialist can help patients discovery the unsurpassed management options representing their cancer, which might further the patient's prognosis.
According to a quantity of studies, the arithmetic mean life expectation of a man diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma is 7 months, although a a small number of men own survived representing almost 100 months. Women typically live to tell the tale representing approximately 9 months in the same way as being diagnosed, with a a small number of women surviving representing a highest of 49 months. Patients whose mesothelioma was wedged youthful and with a reduced amount of critical symptoms effortlessly own a better prognosis.
Mesothelioma management options
When it comes to treating cancer, doctors focus on assassination the wicked cells and saving the healthy ones. There are several ways to look after this.
Doctors will operate chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation or a combination of all three as the for the most part in effect way to cure mesothelioma. The management to facilitate will be recommended is dependent on several issues:
The type and location of the mesothelioma
How large are the tumors?
How much the cancer has metastasized?
What stage the cancer is in.
The patient's age
The patient's overall physical condition
Several types of doctors will be involved in treating the cancer such as an oncologist or cancer specialist, a radiologist, and a pulmonologist or lung specialist. It can take stage to suppose improbable the precise location and variety of the cancer, but determining these factors will enable the oncologist to prescribe the for the most part in effect mesothelioma management.
Types of mesothelioma
Pleural mesothelioma
Pleural mesothelioma is the for the most part public form is pleural mesothelioma which develops contained by the mesothelium. Pleural mesothelioma will develop in the pleural covering which is the lungs lining.
Breathing in asbestos fibers is the cause of pleural mesothelioma. Upon entering the lungs, the asbestos fibers will handiwork their way into the lungs pleural covering. Once in at hand, the body will discovery it almost unbearable to comprehend free of them. Over a time of several decades, the asbestos fibers will cause the pleural cells to revolution. These changes may well head to the lungs fitting scarred and, eventually, tumors forming.
Once the cells of the pleural covering try cancerous, they will continuously divide, leading to a reduction in lung size and causing fluid to buildup amid the layers of the pleural covering.
Because pleural mesothelioma is typically not wedged until the soon after stages of the disease, the prognosis representing the tolerant is normally poor. But, if the disease is wedged in the youthful stages, followed by the patient's prognosis as well as the life expectation will be much improved.
Peritoneal mesothelioma
Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma - this is a very rare form of cancer which strikes the peritoneum (the cell walls surrounding the abdominal cavity. The peritoneum lubricates the abdominal cavity which allows the surrounding inside organs and body structures to enlarge and contract. Peritoneal mesothelioma is very rare with fewer than 500 fill with contracting this form of cancer apiece day.
Several decades in the same way as asbestos fibers are breathed in or ingested; cancer will develop in the patient's front. Modern tests can detect whether or not a tolerant has peritoneal mesothelioma. Despite the piece of information to facilitate it is not typically diagnosed until it is in the soon after stages, at hand are still a quantity of management options.
Although a quantity of patients may well qualify representing surgery and other curative management options, other patients may well simply select palliative measures. Most patients with peritoneal mesothelioma live to tell the tale representing a reduced amount of than a day. However, with the proper management, life expectation can spread. A mesothelioma specialist can help patients discovery the unsurpassed management options representing their cancer, which might further the patient's prognosis.
According to a quantity of studies, the arithmetic mean life expectation of a man diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma is 7 months, although a a small number of men own survived representing almost 100 months. Women typically live to tell the tale representing approximately 9 months in the same way as being diagnosed, with a a small number of women surviving representing a highest of 49 months. Patients whose mesothelioma was wedged youthful and with a reduced amount of critical symptoms effortlessly own a better prognosis.
Mesothelioma management options
When it comes to treating cancer, doctors focus on assassination the wicked cells and saving the healthy ones. There are several ways to look after this.
Doctors will operate chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation or a combination of all three as the for the most part in effect way to cure mesothelioma. The management to facilitate will be recommended is dependent on several issues:
The type and location of the mesothelioma
How large are the tumors?
How much the cancer has metastasized?
What stage the cancer is in.
The patient's age
The patient's overall physical condition
Several types of doctors will be involved in treating the cancer such as an oncologist or cancer specialist, a radiologist, and a pulmonologist or lung specialist. It can take stage to suppose improbable the precise location and variety of the cancer, but determining these factors will enable the oncologist to prescribe the for the most part in effect mesothelioma management.
Things You Should Know About Lung Cancers
Lung cancers has now develop into the deadliest of all kinds of cancers in lots of formulated nations which include the USA exactly where about 180,000 people today die in the ailment each and every year. Throughout the world this sort of cancers kills an approximated three.
Lung cancers has now develop into the deadliest of all kinds of cancers in lots of formulated nations which include the USA exactly where about 180,000 people today die in the ailment each and every year. Throughout the world this sort of cancers kills an approximated three. Five million men and women a 12 months; a startling statistic any time you take into account it can be mostly preventable.
In excess of one particular billion folks globally are people who smoke though 9 away from 10 lung cancers fatalities are brought about by smoking cigarettes. Because of the calendar year 2020 it really is approximated that as numerous as 10 million individuals a yr will die of cigarette smoking associated illnesses except radical motion is taken to curb the advance on the mega-bucks tobacco trade into 3rd Earth international locations. About 3 quarters of all those 10 million fatalities might be in building nations.
Lung Cancers within the producing entire world
The great information for richer nations is the fact general public wellbeing messages appear to be hitting dwelling and lung cancers fatalities are starting off to say no. The undesirable information is always that when you begun cigarette smoking forty a long time in the past (just before the risks had been extensively identified) therefore you are identified with lung cancers right now, you may have only a slender probability of surviving much more than a calendar year. Lung cancers are hardly ever detected in its earlier phases but when it can be, the prognosis is nice with fast and acceptable procedure. Which is why campaigners are demanding additional funding for earlier detection and investigate into new and improved therapies? Nevertheless the sickness at present gets far a lot less funding in produced international locations than other kinds of cancers which elicit community sympathy (for instance breast and prostate cancers.)
Lung Cancers and inactive cigarette smoking
You will find a specific stigma connected to lung cancers and a perspective which the individual possibly introduced it on by them. That may be especially challenging for the people who started off smoking cigarettes without having recognizing the health and fitness perils and for sufferers of inactive smoking cigarettes.
Many thanks to federal government regulation and general public schooling the long run photo concerning the reduction of lung cancers fatalities in wealthier corners from the entire world is pretty optimistic. Not so for poorer international locations which can be the brand new targets on the tobacco moguls? Drained of getting taken to court and hampered by marketing controls in nations around the world such as the USA and United kingdom, cigarette makers are actually environment their sights on producing nations and governments that happen to be very easily lured from the guarantee of sizeable inward financial investment.
Lung cancers has now develop into the deadliest of all kinds of cancers in lots of formulated nations which include the USA exactly where about 180,000 people today die in the ailment each and every year. Throughout the world this sort of cancers kills an approximated three. Five million men and women a 12 months; a startling statistic any time you take into account it can be mostly preventable.
In excess of one particular billion folks globally are people who smoke though 9 away from 10 lung cancers fatalities are brought about by smoking cigarettes. Because of the calendar year 2020 it really is approximated that as numerous as 10 million individuals a yr will die of cigarette smoking associated illnesses except radical motion is taken to curb the advance on the mega-bucks tobacco trade into 3rd Earth international locations. About 3 quarters of all those 10 million fatalities might be in building nations.
Lung Cancers within the producing entire world
The great information for richer nations is the fact general public wellbeing messages appear to be hitting dwelling and lung cancers fatalities are starting off to say no. The undesirable information is always that when you begun cigarette smoking forty a long time in the past (just before the risks had been extensively identified) therefore you are identified with lung cancers right now, you may have only a slender probability of surviving much more than a calendar year. Lung cancers are hardly ever detected in its earlier phases but when it can be, the prognosis is nice with fast and acceptable procedure. Which is why campaigners are demanding additional funding for earlier detection and investigate into new and improved therapies? Nevertheless the sickness at present gets far a lot less funding in produced international locations than other kinds of cancers which elicit community sympathy (for instance breast and prostate cancers.)
Lung Cancers and inactive cigarette smoking
You will find a specific stigma connected to lung cancers and a perspective which the individual possibly introduced it on by them. That may be especially challenging for the people who started off smoking cigarettes without having recognizing the health and fitness perils and for sufferers of inactive smoking cigarettes.
Many thanks to federal government regulation and general public schooling the long run photo concerning the reduction of lung cancers fatalities in wealthier corners from the entire world is pretty optimistic. Not so for poorer international locations which can be the brand new targets on the tobacco moguls? Drained of getting taken to court and hampered by marketing controls in nations around the world such as the USA and United kingdom, cigarette makers are actually environment their sights on producing nations and governments that happen to be very easily lured from the guarantee of sizeable inward financial investment.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
How To Control Your Diabetes The Healthy Way
Diabetes may be seen as a hindrance in your life, but with a few techniques you can manage it and live a healthy and happy life. Despite the physical limitations it presents, with the right medical intervention and prevention on your own behalf, you can make diabetes just a small part of your life that isn't so bothersome.
Exercise is a critical component of effective diabetes management. It has been proven that exercise will lower your resistance to insulin and thereby mitigate some of the effects of diabetes. Exercise is also an important part of managing blood pressure and reducing stress, both of which affect diabetes. Even as little as thirty minutes of exercise a day can improve your condition.
Diabetes can affect the eyes, so make sure you are seeing an eye doctor regularly to catch any complications before they become worse. Be aware of any changes in your vision; diabetes can damage the nerves in the eyes so stay vigilant about any changes you see.
An easy way to reduce your risk of contracting diabetes is to get up and get active. People who take an hour long brisk walk daily will reduce their risk of contracting diabetes by over 35%. Even when you cannot walk for an hour a day, do what you can to get moving like take the stairs instead of the elevator, park at the furthest parking spot at the grocery store, or take two or three trips in carrying in the groceries.
You need to eat on a regular basis if you have been diagnosed with diabetes. Your body will need to keep its blood sugar as regulated as possible and that can be assisted through eating regularly. Simple and quick meals can be made in advance so that you never have to go a long time without eating.
If you are a diabetic, consider seeking the help of a nutritionist. A nutritionist is able to help you with problems as such as: what to eat, what you can't eat, what diets to follow and what to eat as a bedtime snack. Nutritionists also provide assistance in answering questions you may have.
If you're having trouble keeping yourself to a healthy Diabetic diet, don't change things up. Have a chicken night, a fish night, a lentil burger night, etc. so that you know what's supposed to happen on Thursday and can prepare for it. If you have something different every night you'll still have variation, but having a schedule will make you feel much less stress and you won't cave into temptation.
Test your blood sugar before bed if you are Diabetic. It's important to eat something if your sugar is low to make sure you'll be okay over the long night until the morning. If your blood sugar is just right then it's advisable to take a few bites of something to keep it up until you wake.
Keeping up with your restrictions and following a doctor's directions will help you control your diabetes the best you can. Sure, there may be complications, but they will be few and far between if you take a few preventative measures. Lots of people have this disorder and lead happy and healthy lives, and I'm sure you will too!
Exercise is a critical component of effective diabetes management. It has been proven that exercise will lower your resistance to insulin and thereby mitigate some of the effects of diabetes. Exercise is also an important part of managing blood pressure and reducing stress, both of which affect diabetes. Even as little as thirty minutes of exercise a day can improve your condition.
Diabetes can affect the eyes, so make sure you are seeing an eye doctor regularly to catch any complications before they become worse. Be aware of any changes in your vision; diabetes can damage the nerves in the eyes so stay vigilant about any changes you see.
An easy way to reduce your risk of contracting diabetes is to get up and get active. People who take an hour long brisk walk daily will reduce their risk of contracting diabetes by over 35%. Even when you cannot walk for an hour a day, do what you can to get moving like take the stairs instead of the elevator, park at the furthest parking spot at the grocery store, or take two or three trips in carrying in the groceries.
You need to eat on a regular basis if you have been diagnosed with diabetes. Your body will need to keep its blood sugar as regulated as possible and that can be assisted through eating regularly. Simple and quick meals can be made in advance so that you never have to go a long time without eating.
If you are a diabetic, consider seeking the help of a nutritionist. A nutritionist is able to help you with problems as such as: what to eat, what you can't eat, what diets to follow and what to eat as a bedtime snack. Nutritionists also provide assistance in answering questions you may have.
If you're having trouble keeping yourself to a healthy Diabetic diet, don't change things up. Have a chicken night, a fish night, a lentil burger night, etc. so that you know what's supposed to happen on Thursday and can prepare for it. If you have something different every night you'll still have variation, but having a schedule will make you feel much less stress and you won't cave into temptation.
Test your blood sugar before bed if you are Diabetic. It's important to eat something if your sugar is low to make sure you'll be okay over the long night until the morning. If your blood sugar is just right then it's advisable to take a few bites of something to keep it up until you wake.
Keeping up with your restrictions and following a doctor's directions will help you control your diabetes the best you can. Sure, there may be complications, but they will be few and far between if you take a few preventative measures. Lots of people have this disorder and lead happy and healthy lives, and I'm sure you will too!
Pleural Mesothelioma Diagnosis and Best Treatment Options for Mesothelioma Patients
Medical specialists have didn't come back up with clear choices of diagnosing pleural mesothelioma to date. Even when diagnosis of the disease, patients realize it exhausting to get the proper remedy a protracted amount of your time.
Research on this medical condition indicates that vital prognostic aspects encompass cancer, histology and age. Mesothelioma surgery enhances the possibilities of the patient staying for extended amount of your time however it can't be relied on to completely treat the disease.
Patients who have undergone this type of surgery expertise bound aspects related to enhanced survival. analysis has indicated that the typical length of survival of pleural mesothelioma is merely sixteen months.
Statistically, regarding sixty six p.c of the patients expertise peritoneal and pleural effusions. Another key symptom of this medical complication is hemothorax, that refers to assortment or flow of blood to the pleural cavity.
Diagnosis of this medical condition entails molecular biological tests, histological analysis besides imaging technology. A smear is examined beneath the microscope to identify any unordinary organisms. Diagnosis is dispensed once the health care supplier suspects an infection within the pleural cavity. It can even be dispensed if the GP notices an abnormal flow of pleural fluid through X-ray.
When it involves treatment, extrapleural pneumonectomy are often dispensed to foster the possibilities of survival. However, its result on the possibilities of continuous survival of the patients isn't however clear. Thorough treatment will facilitate some patients, however it's still unclear that treatments are only when it involves this disease. Most actually completely different|completely different} people honest differently with different treatments. For this reason treatment for pleural mesothelioma is individualized. typically variety of treatments together with mesothelioma chemotherapy are utilised.
Health care suppliers typically counsel pleurectomy additionally as decortication therefore on eliminate the mass of the underlying malignant tissue and facilitate to ease the pressure on the chest region. This helps to ease the discomfort that's typically experienced. Mesothelioma surgery is often risky, however studies on pleurectomy additionally as decortication indicate that no quite a pair of p.c of all patients face death throughout the surgical operation. The National Cancer Institute reports indicate that but thirty p.c of all the patients face deaths throughout drastic pneumonectomy.
Soon when any surgical case, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are usually initiated. However, the 2 remedies offer very little hope of patients surviving for long periods of your time. Radioing therapy is relied on as a result of it's effective in assuaging discomfort that's experienced by the patient.
Clinic trials are conducted in search of a transparent chemotherapy treatment. This solely involves one or variety of medicine. though a transparent chemotherapy drug for the treatment of pleural mesothelioma has not however been discovered, the foremost vital technique applied by specialist oncologists is that the anti-foliate pemetrexed along side alkylating regimen.
Your health care supplier ought to be in an exceedingly position to relinquish an individualized region for your scenario.
Research on this medical condition indicates that vital prognostic aspects encompass cancer, histology and age. Mesothelioma surgery enhances the possibilities of the patient staying for extended amount of your time however it can't be relied on to completely treat the disease.
Patients who have undergone this type of surgery expertise bound aspects related to enhanced survival. analysis has indicated that the typical length of survival of pleural mesothelioma is merely sixteen months.
Statistically, regarding sixty six p.c of the patients expertise peritoneal and pleural effusions. Another key symptom of this medical complication is hemothorax, that refers to assortment or flow of blood to the pleural cavity.
Diagnosis of this medical condition entails molecular biological tests, histological analysis besides imaging technology. A smear is examined beneath the microscope to identify any unordinary organisms. Diagnosis is dispensed once the health care supplier suspects an infection within the pleural cavity. It can even be dispensed if the GP notices an abnormal flow of pleural fluid through X-ray.
When it involves treatment, extrapleural pneumonectomy are often dispensed to foster the possibilities of survival. However, its result on the possibilities of continuous survival of the patients isn't however clear. Thorough treatment will facilitate some patients, however it's still unclear that treatments are only when it involves this disease. Most actually completely different|completely different} people honest differently with different treatments. For this reason treatment for pleural mesothelioma is individualized. typically variety of treatments together with mesothelioma chemotherapy are utilised.
Health care suppliers typically counsel pleurectomy additionally as decortication therefore on eliminate the mass of the underlying malignant tissue and facilitate to ease the pressure on the chest region. This helps to ease the discomfort that's typically experienced. Mesothelioma surgery is often risky, however studies on pleurectomy additionally as decortication indicate that no quite a pair of p.c of all patients face death throughout the surgical operation. The National Cancer Institute reports indicate that but thirty p.c of all the patients face deaths throughout drastic pneumonectomy.
Soon when any surgical case, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are usually initiated. However, the 2 remedies offer very little hope of patients surviving for long periods of your time. Radioing therapy is relied on as a result of it's effective in assuaging discomfort that's experienced by the patient.
Clinic trials are conducted in search of a transparent chemotherapy treatment. This solely involves one or variety of medicine. though a transparent chemotherapy drug for the treatment of pleural mesothelioma has not however been discovered, the foremost vital technique applied by specialist oncologists is that the anti-foliate pemetrexed along side alkylating regimen.
Your health care supplier ought to be in an exceedingly position to relinquish an individualized region for your scenario.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
8 Healthy Breakfast Every Day Points
Many reports and also investigation has shown which little ones exactly who consume breakfast execute better within school and still have some sort of healthier diet. Ingesting breakfast will assist promote the proper growth and also take full advantage of school overall performance also.
Breakfast every day is often periods some sort of prey of the morning time period emergency. Even though you might be convinced to be able to bypass breakfast, you'll be able to shorten ones morning routine simply by following most of these 8 suggestions:
1. Complete homework and also wrap up school hand bags during the night.
2. Select exactly what your children may put on to be able to school prior to going to be able to your bed and also discover missing shoes to the following day.
3. sunday, monday, thusday and Every day, get out of bed quarter-hour sooner.
4. Quit computer games and also morning tell.
5. Have got a good diet readily available. It's also sensible to go shopping for breakfast foods with all your little ones and also consider their particular personalized personal preferences.
6. Collection your cereal out there the night time just before. For young man, fill up some sort of zippered plastic-type bag along with your ex part, then add your whole milk each day.
7. Allow your children to utilize your microwave generally, because so many breakfast foods might be organized in less than 5 moments.
8. Allow your kids to eat in the car or truck as well as on the way to be able to school or working your office.
There are various foods you can consume for breakfast, actually left over spots through meal when they are adequate. You possibly can consume bagels, lasagna along with juice, pretzels, as well as the standard sausage and also ovum which breakfast may be known for. Almost all foods undoubtedly are a take to ready, and also will not likely consider a person although a short while.
Lest go to Try this Tips for Your better Life.
Nice to meet You
Breakfast every day is often periods some sort of prey of the morning time period emergency. Even though you might be convinced to be able to bypass breakfast.
Breakfast every day is often periods some sort of prey of the morning time period emergency. Even though you might be convinced to be able to bypass breakfast, you'll be able to shorten ones morning routine simply by following most of these 8 suggestions:
1. Complete homework and also wrap up school hand bags during the night.
2. Select exactly what your children may put on to be able to school prior to going to be able to your bed and also discover missing shoes to the following day.
3. sunday, monday, thusday and Every day, get out of bed quarter-hour sooner.
4. Quit computer games and also morning tell.
5. Have got a good diet readily available. It's also sensible to go shopping for breakfast foods with all your little ones and also consider their particular personalized personal preferences.
6. Collection your cereal out there the night time just before. For young man, fill up some sort of zippered plastic-type bag along with your ex part, then add your whole milk each day.
7. Allow your children to utilize your microwave generally, because so many breakfast foods might be organized in less than 5 moments.
8. Allow your kids to eat in the car or truck as well as on the way to be able to school or working your office.
There are various foods you can consume for breakfast, actually left over spots through meal when they are adequate. You possibly can consume bagels, lasagna along with juice, pretzels, as well as the standard sausage and also ovum which breakfast may be known for. Almost all foods undoubtedly are a take to ready, and also will not likely consider a person although a short while.
Lest go to Try this Tips for Your better Life.
Nice to meet You
Breakfast every day is often periods some sort of prey of the morning time period emergency. Even though you might be convinced to be able to bypass breakfast.
How to Gain Weight and Build Muscles Naturally
There are many people who want to gain weight but are unable to do so. For this people need to know what to eat, how much to eat, and how to exercise so that they will be efficiently utilized to build muscles.
The average calorie required by a male is 2,200 and by a female is 1,900 per day. If the calories intake by a person is less than that required, then the person will surely be underweight. We need on an average of 1000 calories per day to gain half kilo of weight in a week. To gain weight we need to concentrate on two things: Food and Exercise.
Eat several meals a day: If you want to gain weight then increase the number of meals per day. Increase it from a general 3 to 5 or 6. Rather than trying to eat more in the three meals, try to eat frequently.
No junk food: Always avoid junk food as it contains trans fats or saturated fats which is not good for health. They contain lots of preservatives also.
Dairy products: Go for dairy products to gain weight. Dairy products include cheese, butter, curd etc.
Beverages: Drink healthy beverages like milk, juice, shakes. Also drink protein drinks and blend with your favorite juice if required.
No soup: Do not start with a starter like soup. Directly start the main course. Otherwise, you will not be able to eat much.
Track your calories: Track your calories and check whether you need more. If you need more then how much. There are many online services also which can help you to track you calorie intake everyday.
High protein food: Always keep in mind the list of food containing high protein content like fish, egg, meat, beans, pulses, peas etc., but remember carbohydrates and fats are also required for the body. So, do not replace them with proteins. Have a balanced diet.
More snacks: Increase your snacks intake. But do not include junk food in your snacks. Your snacks may contain shakes, dried fruits, nut, yoghurt, muffins etc.
Mental health: Always be happy from inside. Every action in the body is controlled by the brain. If brain is healthy, then everything will be healthy. The food you take will be utilized very efficiently.
Physical health: In order to gain weight and build muscles naturally, give less stress to aerobics. Aerobics is mainly used to reduce weight. Concentrate more on resistance and heavy weight exercises like Push ups, Oblique twists, Squats, Lunges etc.
The average calorie required by a male is 2,200 and by a female is 1,900 per day. If the calories intake by a person is less than that required, then the person will surely be underweight. We need on an average of 1000 calories per day to gain half kilo of weight in a week. To gain weight we need to concentrate on two things: Food and Exercise.
Eat several meals a day: If you want to gain weight then increase the number of meals per day. Increase it from a general 3 to 5 or 6. Rather than trying to eat more in the three meals, try to eat frequently.
No junk food: Always avoid junk food as it contains trans fats or saturated fats which is not good for health. They contain lots of preservatives also.
Dairy products: Go for dairy products to gain weight. Dairy products include cheese, butter, curd etc.
Beverages: Drink healthy beverages like milk, juice, shakes. Also drink protein drinks and blend with your favorite juice if required.
No soup: Do not start with a starter like soup. Directly start the main course. Otherwise, you will not be able to eat much.
Track your calories: Track your calories and check whether you need more. If you need more then how much. There are many online services also which can help you to track you calorie intake everyday.
High protein food: Always keep in mind the list of food containing high protein content like fish, egg, meat, beans, pulses, peas etc., but remember carbohydrates and fats are also required for the body. So, do not replace them with proteins. Have a balanced diet.
More snacks: Increase your snacks intake. But do not include junk food in your snacks. Your snacks may contain shakes, dried fruits, nut, yoghurt, muffins etc.
Mental health: Always be happy from inside. Every action in the body is controlled by the brain. If brain is healthy, then everything will be healthy. The food you take will be utilized very efficiently.
Physical health: In order to gain weight and build muscles naturally, give less stress to aerobics. Aerobics is mainly used to reduce weight. Concentrate more on resistance and heavy weight exercises like Push ups, Oblique twists, Squats, Lunges etc.
Liver Cancer - Liver Cancer Treatment - Liver Cancer Symptom
What is liver cancer?
Any cancerous growth in the liver is termed as liver cancer. Thus, cancerous growth can be either arising from the liver cells itself, termed as primary liver cancer or there may be cancerous deposits that have travelled or migrated to the liver from cancerous lesions starting elsewhere in the body, termed as liver metastasis or secondary liver cancer.
Why is the liver so important?
The liver is a vital organ located below the right lung and under the ribcage and it plays a major role in metabolism and has a number of functions in the body, including glycogen storage, decomposition of red blood cells, plasma protein synthesis, hormone production, detoxification, protein synthesis, and the production of biochemicals necessary for digestion. The liver is necessary for survival; there is currently no way to compensate for the absence of liver function long term.
How common is liver cancer?
Liver cancer is the third most common cancer in the world. Liver cancer occurs more often in men than women. It is usually seen in people aged between 50 - 60 years.
The disease is more common in parts of Africa and Asia than in North or South America and Europe.
What are the types of liver cancer?
Liver cancers can be
1.Primary: The cancerous growth arises from the liver tissue itself. The subtypes includes:
a.Hepatocellular carcinoma (commonest)
c.Hepatoblastoma, a rare tumour developing in children
d.Cholangiocarcinoma, (Bile duct cancer)
e.Angiosarcoma, Cancer arising from the blood vessels of liver
2.Secondary: These are cancerous deposits / metastasis arising from other tumour sites like, colon cancer, carcinoid tumour, breast cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer etc.
What are the risk factors for liver cancer?
The various risk factors / causes of liver cancer include:
1.Alcohol: Cirrhosis caused by chronic alcohol consumption is the most common cause of liver cancer. It is commonly seen in individuals with liver cirrhosis caused by alcoholism, even though the drinking may have subsequently stopped. This is because when the drinking is stopped, the liver cells try to heal by regenerating. It is during this regeneration stage that a cancer-producing genetic mutation can occur. More importantly, if an alcoholic does not stop drinking, he or she is unlikely to live long enough to develop the cancer since alcoholics who are actively drinking are more likely to die 10 years earlier than liver cancer patients, from non-cancer related complications of alcoholic liver disease (for example, liver failure).
2.Hepatitis B and C infections: Individuals having chronic hepatitis infection with either or both Hepatitis B and C virus have a significantly greater risk of developing liver cancer. The hepatitis virus genetic material disrupts the normal genetic material of the liver cells and causes the liver cells to become cancerous.
3.Aflatoxin B1: It is the most potent liver cancer-forming chemical. It is a product of a fungus called Aspergillus flavus, which is found in foods that have been stored in a hot and humid environment. This mould is typically found in foods such as peanuts, rice, soybeans, corn, and wheat.
4.Hemochromatosis: A hereditary disorder in which too much iron gets stored in the body including the liver is a risk factor for liver cancer.
5.Drugs and toxins: Certain medications like estrogen and anabolic steroids and chemicals like vinyl chloride have been implicated in causing liver cancer.
What are the signs and symptoms of liver cancer?
There are no specific symptoms of liver cancer, and in fact, the earliest signs are usually subtle and can be mistaken for simple worsening of liver function.
When fully developed, liver cancer may present with abdominal pain, abdominal mass, weight loss, unexplained fever, fluid in abdomen (ascites), blood in vomit and stools and jaundice.
On examination an enlarged and tender liver is commonly found. Hepatic bruit (sound of increase blood flow) can be heard over the tumour on auscultation (using a stethoscope).
How to diagnose liver cancer, what investigations are to be done?
There are various tests which can help detect liver cancer; however one cannot rely on only one test for making diagnosis. The tests include:
•Liver enzymes (liver function tests)
•Serum alpha fetoprotein
•Abdominal ultrasound (USG)
•Abdominal CT scan
•Liver biopsy
•MRI scan of liver
What are the treatment options for liver cancer?
The treatment options are decided by the overall condition of the patient and the stage of the liver cancer.
•If diagnosed early, aggressive surgery with tumour resection or a liver transplantation can successfully treat small (< 3cm) or slow-growing tumours
•Chemotherapy and radiation treatments are not usually effective. However, they may be used to shrink large tumours so that surgery has a greater chance of success.
•Sorafenib tosylate (Nexavar), an oral medicine that blocks tumor growth, can be tried in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma.
•Cryoabalation, stereotactic radiosurgery, proton beam therapy or Radiofrequency ablation combined with local chemotherapy are other treatment modalities that can be tried in some patients.
How long will I survive with liver cancer?
The usual outcome is poor, because only 10 - 20% of liver cancers can be removed completely using surgery. If the cancer cannot be completely removed, the disease is usually fatal within 3 - 6 months. However, survival can vary, and some people may survive much longer than 6 months.
Any cancerous growth in the liver is termed as liver cancer. Thus, cancerous growth can be either arising from the liver cells itself, termed as primary liver cancer or there may be cancerous deposits that have travelled or migrated to the liver from cancerous lesions starting elsewhere in the body, termed as liver metastasis or secondary liver cancer.
Why is the liver so important?
The liver is a vital organ located below the right lung and under the ribcage and it plays a major role in metabolism and has a number of functions in the body, including glycogen storage, decomposition of red blood cells, plasma protein synthesis, hormone production, detoxification, protein synthesis, and the production of biochemicals necessary for digestion. The liver is necessary for survival; there is currently no way to compensate for the absence of liver function long term.
How common is liver cancer?
Liver cancer is the third most common cancer in the world. Liver cancer occurs more often in men than women. It is usually seen in people aged between 50 - 60 years.
The disease is more common in parts of Africa and Asia than in North or South America and Europe.
What are the types of liver cancer?
Liver cancers can be
1.Primary: The cancerous growth arises from the liver tissue itself. The subtypes includes:
a.Hepatocellular carcinoma (commonest)
c.Hepatoblastoma, a rare tumour developing in children
d.Cholangiocarcinoma, (Bile duct cancer)
e.Angiosarcoma, Cancer arising from the blood vessels of liver
2.Secondary: These are cancerous deposits / metastasis arising from other tumour sites like, colon cancer, carcinoid tumour, breast cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer etc.
What are the risk factors for liver cancer?
The various risk factors / causes of liver cancer include:
1.Alcohol: Cirrhosis caused by chronic alcohol consumption is the most common cause of liver cancer. It is commonly seen in individuals with liver cirrhosis caused by alcoholism, even though the drinking may have subsequently stopped. This is because when the drinking is stopped, the liver cells try to heal by regenerating. It is during this regeneration stage that a cancer-producing genetic mutation can occur. More importantly, if an alcoholic does not stop drinking, he or she is unlikely to live long enough to develop the cancer since alcoholics who are actively drinking are more likely to die 10 years earlier than liver cancer patients, from non-cancer related complications of alcoholic liver disease (for example, liver failure).
2.Hepatitis B and C infections: Individuals having chronic hepatitis infection with either or both Hepatitis B and C virus have a significantly greater risk of developing liver cancer. The hepatitis virus genetic material disrupts the normal genetic material of the liver cells and causes the liver cells to become cancerous.
3.Aflatoxin B1: It is the most potent liver cancer-forming chemical. It is a product of a fungus called Aspergillus flavus, which is found in foods that have been stored in a hot and humid environment. This mould is typically found in foods such as peanuts, rice, soybeans, corn, and wheat.
4.Hemochromatosis: A hereditary disorder in which too much iron gets stored in the body including the liver is a risk factor for liver cancer.
5.Drugs and toxins: Certain medications like estrogen and anabolic steroids and chemicals like vinyl chloride have been implicated in causing liver cancer.
What are the signs and symptoms of liver cancer?
There are no specific symptoms of liver cancer, and in fact, the earliest signs are usually subtle and can be mistaken for simple worsening of liver function.
When fully developed, liver cancer may present with abdominal pain, abdominal mass, weight loss, unexplained fever, fluid in abdomen (ascites), blood in vomit and stools and jaundice.
On examination an enlarged and tender liver is commonly found. Hepatic bruit (sound of increase blood flow) can be heard over the tumour on auscultation (using a stethoscope).
How to diagnose liver cancer, what investigations are to be done?
There are various tests which can help detect liver cancer; however one cannot rely on only one test for making diagnosis. The tests include:
•Liver enzymes (liver function tests)
•Serum alpha fetoprotein
•Abdominal ultrasound (USG)
•Abdominal CT scan
•Liver biopsy
•MRI scan of liver
What are the treatment options for liver cancer?
The treatment options are decided by the overall condition of the patient and the stage of the liver cancer.
•If diagnosed early, aggressive surgery with tumour resection or a liver transplantation can successfully treat small (< 3cm) or slow-growing tumours
•Chemotherapy and radiation treatments are not usually effective. However, they may be used to shrink large tumours so that surgery has a greater chance of success.
•Sorafenib tosylate (Nexavar), an oral medicine that blocks tumor growth, can be tried in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma.
•Cryoabalation, stereotactic radiosurgery, proton beam therapy or Radiofrequency ablation combined with local chemotherapy are other treatment modalities that can be tried in some patients.
How long will I survive with liver cancer?
The usual outcome is poor, because only 10 - 20% of liver cancers can be removed completely using surgery. If the cancer cannot be completely removed, the disease is usually fatal within 3 - 6 months. However, survival can vary, and some people may survive much longer than 6 months.
How To Use Solid Advice When Dealing With Diabetes
With more candy and sodas and other junk food on the shelves in stores today, more and more people are contracting diabetes and ultimately having to give up on these foods to regulate their body's blood glucose levels. Find out some important diabetes tips and how to handle the disease in the text below.
Be VERY careful with any advice you receive online about diabetes treatment. It is fine to do your research online, and even to find out what other people are doing to take care of their disease, but you need to take any new information you want to act on to your doctor, to make sure that it's medically sound.
Check your blood sugar levels regularly. It is possible to have dangerously high or low blood sugar without showing any symptoms. Having a persistently high blood sugar count can cause you to have an increased risk of developing kidney failure, circulation problems, heart disease stroke, and even blindness. Make sure you keep a record of your numbers as well, to watch for trends and sugar spikes.
If you have diabetes, it is important that you learn to recognize high glycemic index foods. These types of foods will make your blood sugar rise very fast, which can be dangerous. If you are not sure which foods fall into this category, take your time when food shopping to read the food labels.
If you have diabetes, check your blood sugar often. This is especially important first thing in the morning, last thing at night, and after meals. Tracking your blood sugar can help you to stay informed about your condition. Sharing the information with your physician can help him to adjust insulin or other medication dosages appropriately.
Buckwheat is an excellent choice to include in a Diabetic diet. It can lower your blood glucose levels after a meal, keeping you from having a spike. You can eat buckwheat instead of rice, or enjoy soba noodles with your dinner. It's available at almost any grocery store and is sometimes known as kasha.
If you have diabetes and still crave sweets, just remember to eat them in moderation. It's a myth that diabetics can't eat any sugar at all --but it is true that diabetes means you need to consume sugar with care. If you eat sweets, eat small amounts, and remember that the sweets count toward your carbohydrate tally for that meal.
You should feel awesome about being in control of your Diabetes, your care, your treatment, and your future. The fact that you're seeking information on how to better deal with your situation shows what an amazing person you are. Keep up the good work and you'll find yourself feeling healthy and happy!
As stated in the opening of this article, there's a lot more sugar out there in today's world. It's becoming easier to contract diabetes. Luckily, however, it's also becoming easier to treat diabetes thanks to the Internet and informative articles like these. Implement what you've learned here to control your disease.
Be VERY careful with any advice you receive online about diabetes treatment. It is fine to do your research online, and even to find out what other people are doing to take care of their disease, but you need to take any new information you want to act on to your doctor, to make sure that it's medically sound.
Check your blood sugar levels regularly. It is possible to have dangerously high or low blood sugar without showing any symptoms. Having a persistently high blood sugar count can cause you to have an increased risk of developing kidney failure, circulation problems, heart disease stroke, and even blindness. Make sure you keep a record of your numbers as well, to watch for trends and sugar spikes.
If you have diabetes, it is important that you learn to recognize high glycemic index foods. These types of foods will make your blood sugar rise very fast, which can be dangerous. If you are not sure which foods fall into this category, take your time when food shopping to read the food labels.
If you have diabetes, check your blood sugar often. This is especially important first thing in the morning, last thing at night, and after meals. Tracking your blood sugar can help you to stay informed about your condition. Sharing the information with your physician can help him to adjust insulin or other medication dosages appropriately.
Buckwheat is an excellent choice to include in a Diabetic diet. It can lower your blood glucose levels after a meal, keeping you from having a spike. You can eat buckwheat instead of rice, or enjoy soba noodles with your dinner. It's available at almost any grocery store and is sometimes known as kasha.
If you have diabetes and still crave sweets, just remember to eat them in moderation. It's a myth that diabetics can't eat any sugar at all --but it is true that diabetes means you need to consume sugar with care. If you eat sweets, eat small amounts, and remember that the sweets count toward your carbohydrate tally for that meal.
You should feel awesome about being in control of your Diabetes, your care, your treatment, and your future. The fact that you're seeking information on how to better deal with your situation shows what an amazing person you are. Keep up the good work and you'll find yourself feeling healthy and happy!
As stated in the opening of this article, there's a lot more sugar out there in today's world. It's becoming easier to contract diabetes. Luckily, however, it's also becoming easier to treat diabetes thanks to the Internet and informative articles like these. Implement what you've learned here to control your disease.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Weight Loss Supplements - Uncover Ideal Alternatives For Losing Weight
People daily try and uncover helpful strategies to lose weight. Exercise repeatedly as well as consuming a healthy diet program are extremely important to slimming down as well as throwing them back. Nonetheless, there's also a lot of safe weight-loss supplements you can use to generate lowering your weight easier. It's important to make sure that you're simply consuming one particular that are safe and not outcome in some various diverse difficulties.
There are certain important issues which you would prefer to seek for when trying to determine if a specific weight reduction capsule is really secure to adopt. Let me to share essentially the most critical aspects to watch with regard so that you can generate a risk-free selection about consuming risk-free tablets with regard to easier weight loss. You need to be sure the elements utilized within the actual capsule are scientifically established to acquire results for weight reduction. This course of action consists of medical studies and also checks which can be run from the creators to ensure that the item operates like they're saying it'll.
To verify you could uncover possibly that those pills have poor negative effects really need to look on the components which can be utilized in the supplements. The most effective kinds of supplements to utilize are the ones that are all natural. Counting on the ingredients which might be utilized in them different supplements could have so many harmful undesirable effects. You have to understand along side it effects of your load reduction tablets.
Diet Plans For Reducing weight Quickly
Eat Great Mouth Watering Meals
Every once in awhile have the best an escape. Take in one thing that you actually like and you also realize you ought to not. Should you usually do not permit you to ultimately eat your preferred foods, ultimately you can quit your daily diet. Use a little amount of them sometimes.
Get Calories Coming by way of Healthy food selections
Cola too as Coke and all some different unique springs contain sugars. Glucose is usually a superb technique to get calories and, having said that , you wish to cut back on individuals energy. You could aquire plenty of extra calories for starters evening in the course of these in the event you beverage them. Several pop here and perhaps a chocolate bar there plus you have got half your everyday power intake. This could placed on the lbs and lbs very quickly.
There are certain important issues which you would prefer to seek for when trying to determine if a specific weight reduction capsule is really secure to adopt. Let me to share essentially the most critical aspects to watch with regard so that you can generate a risk-free selection about consuming risk-free tablets with regard to easier weight loss. You need to be sure the elements utilized within the actual capsule are scientifically established to acquire results for weight reduction. This course of action consists of medical studies and also checks which can be run from the creators to ensure that the item operates like they're saying it'll.
To verify you could uncover possibly that those pills have poor negative effects really need to look on the components which can be utilized in the supplements. The most effective kinds of supplements to utilize are the ones that are all natural. Counting on the ingredients which might be utilized in them different supplements could have so many harmful undesirable effects. You have to understand along side it effects of your load reduction tablets.
Diet Plans For Reducing weight Quickly
Eat Great Mouth Watering Meals
Every once in awhile have the best an escape. Take in one thing that you actually like and you also realize you ought to not. Should you usually do not permit you to ultimately eat your preferred foods, ultimately you can quit your daily diet. Use a little amount of them sometimes.
Get Calories Coming by way of Healthy food selections
Cola too as Coke and all some different unique springs contain sugars. Glucose is usually a superb technique to get calories and, having said that , you wish to cut back on individuals energy. You could aquire plenty of extra calories for starters evening in the course of these in the event you beverage them. Several pop here and perhaps a chocolate bar there plus you have got half your everyday power intake. This could placed on the lbs and lbs very quickly.
How Green Tea Benefits Weight Loss
Green tea contains many health benefits, including weight loss. The most effective means of losing weight is by reducing calorie intake and increasing physical exercise. The easiest way to reduce calorie intake is by substituting high-calorie foods or beverages for low-calorie ones. Green tea is a perfect substitute for other beverages. Green tea can also be used for making soup broths and sauces.
But overweight patients that consume drinks high in sweeteners and preservatives may feel too sluggish to exercise. Diet sodas, even though they do not contain sugar, have been proven to stimulate a person’s food cravings. By substituting green tea for coffee, soda or other drinks, dieters can gain energy and reduce food cravings. This helps to create a gradual weight loss recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for not only losing weight, but keeping it off permanently.
Green Tea and Caffeine
Green tea includes caffeine, but nowhere near as much as much as for conventional black tea. The caffeine content of green tea varies considering how long the tea is steeped. The average amount of caffeine in a cup of green tea is 20 milligrams. Contrast this to the caffeine in a glass of cola – about 46 milligrams. Decaffeinated green loose tea and tea bags are commercially available for those who cannot tolerate any caffeine.
A small amount of caffeine such as 20 milligrams per cup can help give a person just enough energy to get through daily tasks and moderate exercise without getting so wired that they cannot sleep. Lack of sleep is a big problem for anyone trying to adjust to a new exercise program. The temptation to stay in bed is incredibly strong. Switching to green tea can help better regulate sleep patterns.
Caffeine is also a diuretic, or makes the body urinate more often. This can help flush out any excess water weight a dieter may be carrying. Women are especially prone to carrying up to five pounds of excess water weight depending on what point of their menstrual cycle they are in. Losing excess water weight during the pre-menstrual phase can also help decrease cramps.
Other Green Tea Benefits
Unlike diet sodas or alcoholic beverages, green tea does not stimulate cravings for salty or greasy foods which can sabotage a diet. One of the biggest green tea weight loss benefits is suppressing a person’s appetite. Green tea will not make a person anorexic. It will not shut off a person’s appetite altogether. For a dieter, any appetite decrease is welcome.
Another weight loss benefit of green tea is that it stimulates the body’s ability to burn off calories by transforming it into body heat and a more through digesting process, which extracts more energy and nutrients from food. This process is called thermogeneisis. Studies on animals found that those given a regular dose of green tea or green tea extract had an increase up to 77% of thermogenesis in their bodies.
In conclusion, green tea contains many benefits for those seeking safe, permanent weight loss solutions. It is a low calorie drink that helps reduce food cravings and give dieters more energy to exercise.
But overweight patients that consume drinks high in sweeteners and preservatives may feel too sluggish to exercise. Diet sodas, even though they do not contain sugar, have been proven to stimulate a person’s food cravings. By substituting green tea for coffee, soda or other drinks, dieters can gain energy and reduce food cravings. This helps to create a gradual weight loss recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for not only losing weight, but keeping it off permanently.
Green Tea and Caffeine
Green tea includes caffeine, but nowhere near as much as much as for conventional black tea. The caffeine content of green tea varies considering how long the tea is steeped. The average amount of caffeine in a cup of green tea is 20 milligrams. Contrast this to the caffeine in a glass of cola – about 46 milligrams. Decaffeinated green loose tea and tea bags are commercially available for those who cannot tolerate any caffeine.
A small amount of caffeine such as 20 milligrams per cup can help give a person just enough energy to get through daily tasks and moderate exercise without getting so wired that they cannot sleep. Lack of sleep is a big problem for anyone trying to adjust to a new exercise program. The temptation to stay in bed is incredibly strong. Switching to green tea can help better regulate sleep patterns.
Caffeine is also a diuretic, or makes the body urinate more often. This can help flush out any excess water weight a dieter may be carrying. Women are especially prone to carrying up to five pounds of excess water weight depending on what point of their menstrual cycle they are in. Losing excess water weight during the pre-menstrual phase can also help decrease cramps.
Other Green Tea Benefits
Unlike diet sodas or alcoholic beverages, green tea does not stimulate cravings for salty or greasy foods which can sabotage a diet. One of the biggest green tea weight loss benefits is suppressing a person’s appetite. Green tea will not make a person anorexic. It will not shut off a person’s appetite altogether. For a dieter, any appetite decrease is welcome.
Another weight loss benefit of green tea is that it stimulates the body’s ability to burn off calories by transforming it into body heat and a more through digesting process, which extracts more energy and nutrients from food. This process is called thermogeneisis. Studies on animals found that those given a regular dose of green tea or green tea extract had an increase up to 77% of thermogenesis in their bodies.
In conclusion, green tea contains many benefits for those seeking safe, permanent weight loss solutions. It is a low calorie drink that helps reduce food cravings and give dieters more energy to exercise.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Mengapa Obat Penghilang Sakit Kadang Bikin Gatal?
Jutaan manfaat didapat pasien dari obat penghilang rasa sakit atau opioid seperti morfin dan kodein, namun ini justru sering menyebabkan rasa gatal yang hebat.
Bahkan pada beberapa kasus, iritasi yang sangat buruk bisa saja terjadi sehingga pasien memilih untuk tidak lagi menggunakan obat penghilang rasa sakit.
Sebuah penelitian yang dipublikasikan dalam jurnal Cell edisi 14 Oktober 2011 telah menemukan penjelasan yang paling masuk akal. Ini pun bisa jadi langkah pertama untuk mulai menciptakan obat yang takkan memaksa pasien memilih rasa gatal ataupun nyeri.
Hingga kini, banyak ilmuwan yang berasumsi bahwa rasa gatal dari opioid tidak dapat dihindari karena ini adalah efek samping obat yang berinteraksi dengan sistem saraf.
Otak memiliki empat reseptor yang merespon opioid dan setiap jenisnya memiliki banyak varian struktural yang disebut isoform. Sebagian besar opioid adalah obat non-spesifik yang berarti mampu mengikat seluruh isoform.
Hal inilah yang membuat kemampuan obat penghilang sakit menjadi sangat kuat meskipun para ilmuwan tak mengetahui alasannya secara pasti.
Dalam riset baru yang dilakukan sebuah tim yang dipimpin peneliti Zhou-Feng Chen dari Washington University di St. Louis ditunjukkan bahwa hanya ada satu isoform reseptor opioid yang bertanggung jawab terhadap adanya rasa gatal -dan reseptor ini tidak terlibat dalam rasa sakit.
Sebagaimana dilansir dari Scientific American, tikus percobaan yang memiliki sedikit reseptor khusus tersebut tentu saja tidak menggores dirinya ketika diberi opioid, tetapi mereka menunjukkan tanda-tanda hilangnya rasa sakit, seperti tidak banyak berkedip ketika para peneliti menjentikkan ekornya.
Setelah diketahui bahwa obat penghilang rasa sakit dan gatal dapat dipisahkan, diharapkan nantinya para ilmuwan akan mencoba untuk membuat obat opioid yang bebas rasa gatal.
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Sunday, April 22, 2012
Suicide Headaches, Penyakit Sakit Kepala 200 Kali Sehari
Carolyn Matheson
Menderita sakit kepala hampir pernah dialami oleh semua orang. Meski merupakan penyakit umum, tapi sakit kepala bisa sangat mengganggu dan menurunkan produktivitas, terlebih bila sakit kepala terjadi hingga 200 kali dalam sehari seperti yang dialami oleh seorang ibu.
Carolyn Matheson (58 tahun) menderita kondisi yang dikenal sebagai 'suicide headaches' (sakit kepala bunuh diri). Dokter menyebutnya demikian karena kondisi ini memberikan efek menjengkelkan yang membuat pasien hampir gila.
Serangan sakit kepala bisa diderita Carolyn dalam hitungan menit atau bahkan selama 2 jam penuh yang berulang hingga 200 kali dalam sehari. Kondisi ini sangat mengganggu, terkadang membuatnya tak bisa bergerak atau bahkan berbicara.
Bila dihitung, dengan 200 kali sakit kepala sehari artinya ibu dua anak ini bisa mengalami sakit kepala parah yang totalnya mencapai 16 jam setiap hari.
Carolyn mulai menderita serangan sakit kepala parah ini sejak 8 tahun yang lalu, ketika ia berlibur di Yunani dengan suaminya, Ian (59 tahun) dan putrinya Jade (21 tahun) serta Emma (19 tahun).
"Pernah suatu kali ketika saya berbelanja di London dengan anak saya, saya jatuh terbaring di lantai di Primark, Oxford Street, dan terasa sakit yang amat sangat. Saya tidak bisa melakukan apapun sampai rasa sakit itu hilang," kenang Carolyn Matheson, yang berasal dari Greenwich, London, seperti dilansir Dailymail, Kamis (29/3/2012).
Saking sakitnya, menurut konsultan ahli saraf Dr Manjit Matharu, banyak dari pasien dengan kondisi ini mengatakan lebih baik melahirkan setiap hari ketimbang harus menderita sakit kepala yang sangat parah.
"Kami umumnya menyebut kondisi ini dengan sakit kepala 'bunuh diri', karena beberapa pasien merasakan sakit yang amat sangat dan terkadang mencoba melakukan bunuh diri untuk mengakhiri penderitaannya," jelas Dr Manjit Matharu.
Serangan sakit kepala bisa datang 6 kali dalam 1 jam. Kondisi ini sebenarnya disebut Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks (SUNA), yaitu kondisi langka yang lebih umum terjadi pada pria berusia di atas 50 tahun.
Kelainan ini ditandai dengan sensasi rasa terbakar sedang hingga parah, sakit menusuk atau nyeri berdenyut, yang biasanya terjadi pada sisi kepala dan di sekitar mata atau pelipis.
Gejala lain termasuk mata berair, mata kemerahan dan hidung tersumbat. Serangan biasanya terjadi pada jam siang hari dan berakhir 5 detik sampai 4 menit per serangan. Pasein umumnya memiliki 5 sampai 6 serangan per jam.
Tidak ada obat yang telah terbukti dapat mengobati sakit kepala ini. Gangguan tersebut tidak fatal tetapi dapat menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan yang cukup besar.
Carolyn pernah mencoba 15 kali pengobatan untuk dapat mencari solusi penyembuhannya, namun hampir semua tidak membuahkan hasil. Beruntung, penderitaannya kini mulai berkurang berkat 'remote kontrol' otak.
Ahli bedah memasukkan implan seukuran matchbox ke dalam dadanya yang kemudian akan mengirimkan impuls listrik ke otak untuk memblok rasa sakit. Stimulator ini bersifat permanen tetapi kekuatannya impuls implan dapat diganti melalui remote kontrol seukuran ponsel, yang dapat dibawanya kemana saja.
Berkat alat itu, Carolyn kini hanya menderita sakit kepala satu atau dua kali dalam sehari. Perubahan ini digambarkannya sebagai keajaiban yang menyelamatkan hidupnya.
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Ternyata Kanker Payudara Punya 10 Jenis yang Berbeda
Apa yang disebut dengan kanker payudara saat ini ternyata terdiri dari 10 jenis penyakit yang berbeda. Pengkategorian ini dapat meningkatkan efektivitas pengobatan dengan memberikan obat yang sesuai dengan jenis kanker payudara, juga memprediksi kelangsungan hidup pasien lebih akurat.
Penelitian yang dimuat jurnal Nature ini membandingkan kanker payudara yang ada di dunia saat ini. Menurut para peneliti, tes yang digunakan di rumah sakit saat ini cukup luas untuk memilah-milah kanker payudara. Temuan ini memberikan pemetaan kanker payudara lebih rinci sehingga memungkinkan untuk menemukan kanker payudara jenis tertentu.
"Kanker payudara bukanlah 1 jenis penyakit saja, melainkan terdiri dari 10 jenis penyakit yang berbeda. Temuan kami akan membuka jalan bagi dokter di masa depan untuk mendiagnosa jenis kanker payudara yang dimiliki seorang wanita, obat apa yang manjur atau tidak, dan terapi yang jauh lebih tepat daripada yang ada sekarang ini," kata pemimpin penelitian, Prof Carlos Caldas seperti dilansir BBC.
Saat ini, kanker payudara diklasifikasikan berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan mikroskop dan tes penanda adanya tumor. Kanker yang memiliki 'reseptor estrogen' akan merespon terapi hormon tamoxifen, sedangkan yang memiliki 'reseptor Her2' dapat diobati dengan Herceptin.
Pada sebagian besar kanker payudara, lebih dari 70% kasus merespon terapi hormon. Namun reaksinya sangat bervariasi. Menurut prof Caldas, beberapa pengobatan bekerja dengan baik, sedangkan beberapa justru membuatnya menjadi parah. Maka jenis-jenis kanker payudara ini memerlukan klasifikasi yang lebih baik.
Prof Caldas mengamati sampel beku dari kanker payudara 2.000 orang wanita di rumah sakit Inggris dan Kanada. Ia bersama timnya melihat secara rinci genetika sel tumor yang telah bermutasi. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sel-sel normal berubah menjadi kanker dengan cara yang berbeda dan dapat dikelompokkan menjadi 10 kategori. Peneliti menyebutnya IntClust 1 sampai dengan 10.
"Ini adalah penelitian terbesar untuk melihat secara rinci genetika tumor payudara. Temuan ini akan mengubah cara kita melihat kanker payudara dan berdampak sangat besar dalam mendiagnosis dan mengobati kanker payudara. Ini adalah sebuah penelitian yang sangat penting," kata Dr Harpal Kumar, CEO Cancer Research UK yang mendanai penelitian.
Para peneliti harus membuktikan terlebih dahulu bahwa pengelompokan 10 jenis kanker payudara ini benar-benar bermanfaat bagi pasien sebelum dapat digunakan oleh dokter secara luas. Proses ini diperkirakan akan memakan waktu 3 - 5 tahun.
Tahukah Anda? Herbal Asli Makassar Dibikin Gel Vagina Anti Kanker Serviks
Parang Romang
Dukun-dukun tradisional di Makassar sejak lama menggunakan herbal Parang Romang sebagai obat kanker. Kini manfaatnya telah dibuktikan secara ilmiah, bahkan sudah dibuat menjadi gel anti kanker serviks untuk dioleskan di vagina.
Secara tradisional, Parang Romang (Boehmeria virgata Linn) diambil daunnya lalu direbus. Rebusan itu diminum untuk mengobati berbagai jenis kanker, khususnya kanker payudara meski kadang-kadang ada juga yang mengonsumsinya untuk mengobati kanker kandungan.
Berawal dari tradisi yang sudah turun temurun tersebut, manfaatnya mulai dibuktikan dengan sebuah penelitian. Penelitian yang dimulai sejak 2002 tersebut dilakukan oleh Prof Dr Rer Nat Hj Marianti Anggraeni Manggau, Apt dari Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Hassanudin Makassar.
Hasilnya menunjukkan, kandungan alkaloid yang terkandung dalam herbal tersebut mampu membuat sel-sel kanker menyusut ketika diujikan pada mencit. Mekanisme ini dinilai lebih menguntungkan daripada langsung merusak sel-sel kanker, sebab kadang-kadang sel-sel lain di sekitarnya ikut rusak.
Dalam penelitiannya, Prof Mariati juga melakukan modifikasi dari rebusan daun yang dipakai dalam praktik tradisional. Karena penggunaan secara oral atau diminum memicu lebih banyak efek samping, maka ia mengemasnya dalam bentuk gel yang bisa dioleskan langsung di vagina.
"Kalau diminum itu kan efeknya sistemik, efek sampingnya bisa lebih banyak. Kalau ini sifatnya lokal, hanya bekerja di tempat pengolesannya saja," jelas Prof Mariati pada wartawan seusai kick-off Ristek-Kalbe Science Award (RKSA) 2012 di Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi.
Diakui oleh Prof Mariati, penelitian ini memang belum tuntas karena baru duijikan pada mencit. Namun melihat efektivitasnya yang lumayan, ia pun terus mengembagnkan penelitian ini dan berharap tahun depan sudah bisa menguji gel vagina temuannya ini pada manusia dalam tahap uji klinis.
5 Jenis Obat yang Paling Sering Dipalsukan di Indonesia
Karena banyak permintaan dan harganya yang mahal, tak jarang banyak oknum yang memalsukan obat-obatan. Tak hanya terjadi di Indonesia, tapi juga dunia. Lalu apa saja obat-obatan yang paling sering dipalsukan di Indonesia?
"Berdasarkan survei dari tahun 2009-2012, biasanya obat-obat yang paling sering dipalsukan adalah obat-obatan lifestyle," jelas Dra Endang Woro T, MSc, Direktur Pelayanan Obat dan Produk Biologi BPOM, dalam acara temu media 'Kebijakan Penyediaan Obat Nasional dan Pengawasan Serta Pengendalian Obat Peredaran Obat Palsu' di Gedung Kemenkes, Kuningan Jakarta.
Endang menjelaskan, berikut beberapa obat yang paling sering dipalsukan di Indonesia, yaitu :
- Obat untuk disfungsi ereksi seperti Viagra, Levitra, Cialis.
- Obat anti kolesterol
- Obat analgesik seperti Ponstan
- Obat inhaler untuk asma
- Obat untuk obesitas atau pelangsing
"Untuk membedakan mana yang palsu dan asli secara awam memang susah. Kita harus membandingkan antara yang asli dulu baru ketahuan, tapi kalau secara fisik melihat yang palsu saja susah," lanjut Endang.
Untuk itu, satu-satunya jalan agar terhindar dari obat palsu adalah membeli obat di sarana legal seperti apotik dan toko obat terpercaya. Jika ingin membeli obat bebas atau bebas terbatas periksa kembali nomor registrasi serta kemasannya ada yang bocor atau tidak.
Selain itu kalau ada sisa obat sebaiknya dibuka lalu isinya dihancurkan atau dilarutkan agar obat tersebut tidak bisa dijual lagi.
Bentuk, warna dan kemasan obat palsu biasanya sangat mirip dengan obat asli. Agar tidak salah beli ada beberapa hal yang bisa dilakukan masyarakat, yaitu:
- Periksa kemasan obat dengan teliti, apakah masih tersegel dengan baik atau tidak.
- Periksalah label obat, nama obat, nama produsen dan tanggal kadaluarsa.
- Sampaikan pada dokter jika tidak ada kemajuan setelah minum obat.
- Tebuslah obat resep di apotik agar terjamin keasliannya, dan jangan di toko-toko obat sembarangan.
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